Stewardship for Transformation
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” Mark 12:29, 30
Serving in difficult environments battling with recurring droughts, early marriages, teen pregnancies, and low levels of literacy can be difficult because these have a significant impact on economic status, but there is no shortage of information when it comes to the actual execution of financial stewardship.
A spirit-led stewardship ministry should enable and encourage transformative giving while also teaching the Bible and dispelling popular myths. Everyone in our churches has the right to know the kind of giving that changes you from the inside out. Not only that, but to be adequately prepared to use every potential gift the Lord has bestowed upon them, including talents, land, and what we could call "resources," within their reach for the cause of the kingdom and God's glory.
Everyone in the church of Christ can be equipped to successfully use what they have in income generation, allowing them to give because they were driven by the gospel of Jesus Christ and His shed blood on the cross, rather than out of a sense of obligation or a desire to obtain more from God.
The goal of Channels of Christ Ministries in this Ministry is to help the church understand that stewardship and giving are not optional components of faith; they are intertwined with who we are as believers. Giving is a spiritual practice similar to prayer, baptism, or opening one's heart. We will also play a conduit of the church and Like-minded people, Organization and available avenues that can transform the livelihood of believers as they respond to their needs and that if their communities