Channels of Christ Ministries (church) is a non-denominational, evangelical ministry founded in 2000. It was founded as a non-denominational ministry with a focus on the fundamentals of Christianity. Focusing on the area of discipleship and mentoring of young people, the ministry has grown to a greater extent of concern for the overall church leadership, which is anchored on the Scripture as the supreme authority that drives the church's purpose of existence and activities
Aiming at giving hope, sound doctrine, and influencing this generation through scripture covering the coastal region of Kenya, which includes Kilifi County, Kwale County, Lamu County, Mombasa County and Taita Taveta County. As a ministry we are southern Baptists by faith and practice, affiliates in belief, but an independent ministry that seeks to pursue biblical truth and, in obedience, leave a life that pleases God and draws others to Christ. The ministry seeks to walk with like-minded individuals in churches from the Southern Baptist Faith and other denominations who are willing to commit to teaching the scripture and upholding Biblical doctrine with reverence for who God is in His triune presentation through His word. The Ministry has grown to engage pastors, elders, deacons, and other church leadership due to different models of leadership presented by different churches with the hope of nurturing and mentoring a mindset of the Biblical kind of leadership, which is in the plurality of eldership.
Aiming at giving hope, sound doctrine, and influencing this generation through scripture covering the coastal region of Kenya, which includes Kilifi County, Kwale County, Lamu County, Mombasa County and Taita Taveta County. As a ministry we are southern Baptists by faith and practice, affiliates in belief, but an independent ministry that seeks to pursue biblical truth and, in obedience, leave a life that pleases God and draws others to Christ. The ministry seeks to walk with like-minded individuals in churches from the Southern Baptist Faith and other denominations who are willing to commit to teaching the scripture and upholding Biblical doctrine with reverence for who God is in His triune presentation through His word. The Ministry has grown to engage pastors, elders, deacons, and other church leadership due to different models of leadership presented by different churches with the hope of nurturing and mentoring a mindset of the Biblical kind of leadership, which is in the plurality of eldership.
Channels of Christ Ministries operates all its programs solely from a biblical perspective. The ministry focuses on seven major areas, which are essential to all church activities affiliated with it. The programs, which we refer to as ministries, include Building Shepherds, Stewardship for Transformation, The Worthy Walk, Proclaiming Christ, Re-Focus to the Cross, Biblical Counseling Disciplines Discipleship (BCDD), and Leading Godly. Each of these programs or ministries is tailored to respond to the needs of the body of Christ. Some of the curriculums are adapted from ministries, which can be trusted because they have been tested and proven to be sound doctrinally.
Building Shepherds
Building Shepherds is a ministry that focuses on building biblical leaders with a biblical mindset towards building a God-oriented and focused church, hence bringing up healthy and soundly grounded doctrinal congregations. In this program, we desire and focus on pastors, elders, deacons, and other church ministry leaders as a cohort.
Stewardship for Transformation
Stewardship for Transformation It’s a program that focuses on helping the needy and struggling congregations in the areas of Kilifi, which is known to be among the poorest countries, and other areas. Coleman said that both in giving stewardship of the God-given resources around them and looking for and focusing on like-minded organizations who are willing to partner in alleviating poverty and nurturing a vibrant community, that can and will be able to support their daily livelihoods even as they contribute in building the kingdom. Considering the realities of early pregnancies, school dropouts, prolonged drought, illnesses that are terminal, like HIV and AIDS, cancer, and gender-based violence, this program will fit into my range of assistance with a focus on empowering the affected to be able to be self-sustaining citizens and believers. Therefore, the desire to create scholarships for vocational training, skill-based training, and other enabling skills is to support the affected.
The Worthy Walk
The Worthy Walk Is a program designed to have more robust and engaging discipleship studies of various theological doctrines and training materials, including systematic theology volumes one through four and I other biblical and scholarly written document/materials that expands the understanding and has an impact on the mind and heart of believers from sound and gifted teachers towards the transformation of the mind into Christlikeness
Proclaiming Christ
Proclaiming Christ is a program that exposes every believer to "principles on biblical evangelism and church planting processes that honor God and lead people to true repentance.
Re-Focus to the Cross
Re-Focus to the Cross is a youth ministry program which seesk to engage the current generation through comps youth ministry leadership school ministries engaging young people both in primary school, high school, colleges, and universities with the intention of presenting Christ as the hope of glory in their lives as they grow up.
Biblical Counseling Disciplines Discipleship (BCDD):
Is program that acknowledges with that fact that all the world's self-mentality and many other difficulties, everyone is looking for a solution, but the inability to identify the true cause leaves everyone's heart forlorn and longing. Evidently, we live in a broken world with world systems cursed by sin, and only the word of God gives hope and remedies for all of life's problems and mankind's sorrow. The program aims at teaching and equipping men and women in our congregation to provide free biblical counseling to our community and bring about actual change that brings honor to God.
Leading Godly
Leading Godly is a program that seeks to present the gospel, ranging from the foundational principles of biblical leadership to Biblical principles of doing ministry and developing Biblical philosophy. It also gives the church leaders access to the principle of expository preaching, which aims to lead them to faithfully handle the scripture with boldness. Channels of Christ Ministries has and is committed to raising sound doctrine pastors, elders, and leaders who will be committed to teaching through the books of the Bible. These churches, through their leaders, are challenged to commit to expository preaching and biblical leadership models. The emphasis is on viewing scripture as the supreme and final authority over all practices and the operation of the church.