Leading Godly
The quality of Christian life is never found anywhere else but in the Scripture. With that said, the need to raise a healthy church is committed to naturing believers towards maturity.
We believe that the church's mission is to mature its members by working in unity and the pickled gifts that each of them possesses for the purpose of edifying. The goal is to create people who live lives that are entirely transformed from the old nature found in Christ to the new nature found in Christ. Allowing every verse of the Bible to affect our way of life is essential, as is viewing salvation as a process of repentance and faith maturation that leads to a greater development of the Christ relationship that leads to Christlikeness
Every believer has a goal and a responsibility to develop spiritual attributes that lead to unity while also developing a healthy collective worship that develops fellowship and confronts the exclusivism of false teachings. In His prayer for the church unit recorded in the book of John 17:11-22, Jesus described and underlined this both personally and corporately
The congregation, as well as the surrounding neighborhood and the entire planet, is in desperate need of the truth. Many church leaders who are endowed for the purpose of assisting and encouraging the entire body of Christ to operate effectively struggle due to a lack of training, not to mention the myriad obstacles that create a truth-suffocating environment in performing their Christ-given mandate.
Many Christians are mistaken about ministry, believing that it is only for the elite rather than for corporate participation. Church leaders' roles should not be undervalued. The preparation of these leaders is critical because the Bible commands the elders to prepare God's people to do the job of the ministry. This is no easy undertaking and must be handled seriously in order to fulfill the great commission contained in Matthew 28:19-20
This Ministry ensures a presentation of the Gospel ranging from the foundational principles of Biblical leadership to Biblical principles of doing ministry and developing Biblical philosophy. It also gives the church leaders access to the principle of Expository preaching kills that aims at leading them to faithful handle the scripture with Boldness.