The Channels of Christ Ministries are based in Kilifi County and aim to serve the Coast Region of Kenya, targeting Kilifi County, Kwale County, Lamu County, Mombasa County, Taita Taveta County, and Tana River County. Through its preaching point, the ministry aims to focus on discipleship of the church, church leadership, and biblical counseling while nurturing and building a Christlike congregation and a Body of Christ that aims at maturing everyone towards ministry. The church stands at a dire place of need for equipping towards what they are facing positioning them at a good position towards the need of dealing and responding to false doctrine due, lack of formal seminary or sound doctrinal training, and the development of a biblical mindset with an enduring sound doctrine disciple who is fully equipped with a target of their spiritual discipline, Biblical theology, and practical leadership principles is key to raising a healthy church that is Scripture-centered.
Channels of Christ Ministries desire to be a vessel that God uses to carry out the church conformity path to Christ through the programs it runs but with a sole emphasis of the supremacy of the scripture. The goal of transformation into the likeness of Christ is key all our ministries (Rom 8:29). As Paul advised Timothy "discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness" as a result we aim to obediently model a Christ-centered representational in all aspects of Life living a life that honors God (1 Timothy 4:7).
Increased godliness is a gift from God that cannot be gained through self-control, ritualistic behavior, or any other human perspective that becomes unduly legalistic and exalts self. Instead, we want to see the church grow in purity and maturity while modeling Christlikeness, willingly placing itself in a position to receive God's compassion.