Channels of Christ Ministries (church) is a non- denominational, evangelical ministry founded in 2000 approximately 22 years of growth and expansion. It was founded as a non-denominational Ministries with a focus on the fundamentals of Christianity. In early 2012, the founder was introduced into a discipleship program that was implemented by Dr. Peter Briggs under the Daystar Institute of Biblical Theology & Leadership Development. This program introduced an in-depth Discipleship exposition on the subject “Walking in the way of Christ and of the Apostles.”
Channels of Christ Ministry, through its founder, grew concerned about the struggles of the coastal region's people and churches, to be specific, due to a lack of resources and opportunities for biblical training. These challenges triggered a situation where most pastors, church leaders, and believers found themselves becoming victims of heresy and manipulation from incorrect Bible handling messages brought about by people in churches within their communities.
Many pastors, elders, and leaders who needed to faithfully and correctly handle biblical doctrines and interpret the scripture with assurance of an accurate presentation of the gospel faced myriad challenges. The low levels of literacy caused by the inability to attend schools of higher learning institutions, not to mention the distance involved in actually accessing those learning institutions, both become a disadvantage for the people of the Coast. This need has become a key area and main focus and is adapting sounds doctrinal training tolls and mentorship programs and materials from International Training and Equipping Ministry among other sound doctrine out sourced material.
In early 2012, the founder of Channels of Christ Ministry was introduced into a discipleship program that was implemented by Dr. Peter Briggs under the Daystar Institute of Biblical Theology & Leadership Development and focused on a program entitled Walking in the Way of Christ and the Apostles (abbreviated WitW), which is the prerequisite for Introduction to Christian Theology. The interaction with these materials and the author gave a more in-depth insight and understanding of the perspective and goal of the ministry. This therefore led to Channels of Christ Ministries expansion of its engagement with the body of Christ with a new concentrated area of training leaders, elders, and pastors in an informal set up. The new area focused on biblical leadership and preaching ministry was designed to prepare the elders, pastors and leaders to be biblical influencers and change agents who can handle the Bible accurately.
Furthermore, they are challenged to faithfully share the same with its members through informal trainings relying on the Holy Spirit to care for their biblical mandate and fulfill the great commission, which focuses on reaching the lost while not abandoning the great commandment, which is a call to love one another.
In 2016, the founder got the chance to attend three major meetings, namely Feed My Sheep hosted by Mount Vernon Baptist Church Atlanta, GA under the Leadership of Aaron Menikoff,(Senior Pastor), Shepherd Conference in Grace Community Under the leadership of Pastor John MacArthur, California, and Biblical Counseling & Discipleship Training (BCDT) Conference hosted by Faith Community Church in Woodstock, Georgia under the leadership of Pastor Shane Kohler, which has contributed immensely on ministry at large and its current program and ministries offered.
These meetings, as well as interactions with Faith Community Church Elders and a couple classes at The Expositors Seminary, shaped a more Biblically grounded preceptive than ever before for the founder and direction of Channels of Christ Ministries.
In this, Channels of Christ Ministries has and is committed to raising sound doctrine pastors, elders, and leaders who will be committed to teaching through full books of the Bible, chapter by chapter and even verse by verse, because as a ministry we believe that Christians come to maturity by hearing the Bible explained and then applying what the Bible says in their lives.
The ministry began as an entity that sought to partner and associate with like-minded people with an aim of training and equipping believers. However, over time, due to the growth of the needs available in the church, he has taken on a new dimension by adapting and planting prototype churches. The churches, through their leaders, are challenged to commit to expository preaching and biblical leadership models. The emphasis is on viewing scripture as supreme and final authority over all practices and the operation of the church.
Channels of Christ ministry is committed to seeking the opportunity to also work with churches that are willing to mentor other churches and ministries to enable them to rethink their role and focus on the Bible as a perfect reference in building a church after the heart of Christ. In doing so we will endeavor in raising believers who are Christlike and committed to obediently follow and practice the scripture in collaboration with willing and like-minded congregation through their leaders.