Biblical Counseling Disciplines Discipleship (BCDD)
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, ESV)
With all of the world's self-mentality and many other difficulties, everyone is looking for a solution, but the inability to identify the true cause leaves everyone's heart forlorn and longing. Evidently, we live in a broken world with world systems cursed by sin, and only the word of God gives hope and remedies to all of life's problems and mankind's sorrow. We want to teach and equip men and women in our congregation to provide free biblical counseling to our community and bring about actual change that brings honor to God.
What exactly is biblical counseling?
John Henderson defines Biblical counseling as the fluid event and process of a Spirit-empowered Christ follower providing face-to-face ministry of the Word to others through dialogue. We therefore believe that Biblical counseling is an intentional, concentrated discipleship approach.
It is a facet of discipleship that focuses on using God's Word and walking in God's Spirit obediently and submissively when dealing with life's issues. The call to love our neighbors by speaking the truth in love and assisting them in growing in grace is a command to all believers.